Thursday, September 25, 2014

Land conundrum and the hunger games

Financial Express, Sept 23, 2014

Prasanna Mohanty & Kaushik Dutta

A mechanism is needed to compensate farmers for not exercising their right to sell productive land but continue to grow foodgrains

India finds itself in a piquant situation. While its population, and with it the number of poor, is growing, its cultivable land is not only shrinking, more worryingly, the economic returns of the agricultural use are diminishing vis-a-vis non-agricultural use. The situation may not be alarming right now, but if it continues, India will soon face a threat to its food security.

This threat emanates from two developments. One, India may already have run out of non-cultivable land to meet its needs for industrialisation and urbanisation. This has provoked a section of the government, social activists, farmers and other stakeholders to argue that industry be shifted to wastelands or deserts to save agricultural land. Industry, like agriculture, needs inputs such as water and labour, which come at a huge cost in barren or wasteland. Are we willing to pay higher costs for our manufactured products? Probably not, because this creates a threat from cheaper imports and brings about a slow death of our manufacturing.

Two, the land pricing mechanism has developed in a way that it makes more economic sense for farmers to sell it than use it for farming. A study has shown that factors such as location and level of industrialisation have become more important determinants of the price of land than its productivity, indicating that farmers stand to gain more by selling their fertile land with locational advantages for industrial or urbanisation purposes. If this trend continues, chances are India would rapidly lose agricultural land, threatening its future food security.

The key to India’s food security, it appears, lies in re-framing the agriculture policy in a way that it incentivises farming to make it more lucrative and competitive. It may sound absurd but one way of doing that could be to actually subsidise it. Before this proposition is laughed out, here are the harsh ground realities.

The fact that India may have run out of allocable land for developmental purposes is acknowledged in the National Land Utilisation Policy of 2013 (NLUP). It says: “Between 1950-51 and 2007-08, land utilisation in India underwent significant changes. While the lands under net sown area, forests and non-agricultural uses have increased, the lands under ‘other areas’ uses have almost halved from 40.7% to 22.6%, meaning that for future land demands, the forest lands and agricultural lands may have to be used.”

NLUP recognises the threat to India’s food security and seeks “reasonable restrictions on acquisition and conversion (of) at least certain types of agricultural land.” The new land law (LARR Act, 2013) goes a step further and says that “irrigated, multi-cropped land” can be acquired only “as a demonstrable last resort”. But given the current mood to fast-track GDP, revive manufacturing and urbanise by creating 100 Smart Cities, that may be easier said than done.
More so, since farming is losing its shine and farm land is shrinking. The Economic Survey of 2013-14 says about 36 million workforce moved out of agriculture and allied activities between 2004-05 and 2011-12. Official data show that cultivable land reduced from 183 million hectares in 2000-01 to 181 million hectares in 2011-12.

Compounding the problem is the declining economic value attributable to fertility of land with regard to transactions that are not for farming. This may seem logical in an expanding economy, but a recent study carried out in collaboration with the ministry of rural development and German development agency GIZ proves it with data. It shows that geographical location like proximity to rail, highways, commercial developments, etc, and the level of industrialisation outweigh fertility in determining the value of land, and the influence of fertility has been progressively declining. This implies that the farmers stand to gain more by selling land with locational advantages than by growing foodgrains.
The current land valuation method, known as ‘circle rates’ in most states, is based on prior transactions in the area and is normally for sale of agricultural land, hinges mainly on fertility, access to irrigation and other factors which are fundamental to agriculture. This grossly undervalues the land price if such land is acquired for industry, housing or commercial purposes.

The new land law may have enhanced the compensation package by introducing a multiplier to the circle rate and adding a solatium, but it retains the circle rate method of pricing the land. So long as the circle rate remains, the incentive to swap farmland for non-farm use will continue. And so will the potential threat to India’s food security that the loss of farmland would entail. Increasing productivity may have compensated for the loss of farmland and migration of the agricultural workforce, but beyond a point, productivity alone wouldn’t be sufficient. The debate over modified seeds would continue for years and no short-term solutions to increase productivity are likely to emerge, given the low outlay of agricultural research in India. India would need to protect its farmlands and that would create a discomforting choice between the apparent profits available to farmers by way of selling their productive land or plying a trade that has lower economic returns and significant risks of failure.

Farm subsidies, be they in the form of crop insurance or MSP, are meant to ensure that agricultural activities flourish and remain economically viable so that there is adequate supply of foodgrains. In the current context, India would need to find a mechanism to compensate farmers for not exercising their right to sell productive land but continue to grow foodgrains; a mechanism that is fair and equitable and transfers the entitlements from the consumers to the producer. Call it subsidy or by any other name, this would only be an innovative addition in order to protect the farmland and the farmers and would be worth the effort given the bigger threat looming ahead.

Prasanna Mohanty and Kaushik Dutta work for the Thought Arbitrage Research Institute, a not-for-profit research think tank

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Buying land for India’s smart cities

Mint Opinion Page article with Mr Kaushik Dutta
Sept 20, 2014

The govt and its agencies will need huge tracks of land for housing and office complexes, civic and social infrastructure, manufacturing and other economic activities 

Prasanna Mohanty |  Kaushik Dutta

India is very rapidly urbanising and the pressure on its physical and social infrastructure is palpable. Urban population has increased from 285 million in 2001 to 377.1 million in 2011, forming 31.16% of the total. According to a 2014 UN report, the number may go up to 814 million by 2050, contributing the maximum to the world’s urban population, surpassing even China. When that happens, half of India’s population will be living in urban areas. 

Most Indian cities haven’t had the structural changes to accommodate such a large influx in decades, giving rise to conflicts and strife. How will they handle the additional pressure? Or will most of India’s urban space simply turn into slums? There is a real scare. Even a cursory look at the 2011 Census data presents a grim picture. Some of the top cities have a large population living in slums—41.3% in Mumbai, 29.6% in Kolkata, 28.5% in Chennai and 8.5% in Bangalore. The civic facilities have crumbled; power cuts, water shortages, flooding, traffic congestion etc. have become regular features of these cities. 

Realising this, the union government did announce a plan to develop 100 “Smart Cities” as satellites of the existing ones. The plans are at a formative stage now, but when the process gathers pace the first challenge that the government will face will be acquisition of land. The government and its agencies will need huge tracks of land for housing and office complexes, civic and social infrastructure, manufacturing and other economic activities. The present land acquisition scenario does not seem promising at all. Jharkhand is unable to secure or acquire land afresh to set up Indian Institute of Technology and Indian Institute of Management campuses. Chhattisgarh is battling for one-and-half decades to build its new capital, Naya Raipur. There are many such cases that show that land is holding up much of urban expansion and renewal. 

One of the root causes of land acquisition can be traced to the land pricing methodology. The archaic Land Acquisition Act of 1894, which caused widespread social conflicts in the past decades, may have been replaced with a new one—The Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act of 2013 (LARR Act)—but the basic pricing mechanism remains the same. That is, the “circle rate”. 

A circle rate is the minimum rate below which a land or a house can’t be transacted. District administrations fix the rates on the basis of the average value obtained from the sale deeds. The outliers are disregarded; the average value represents the normal distribution and has been the basis of developing the circle rates. It is common knowledge that the sale deeds don’t reflect the market value as sellers often quote a lower price to save tax. The LARR Act recognises this and uses a multiplier—1 in urban areas and a number between 1 and 2 in rural areas—to the circle rates. It then adds a solatium of equal amount to work out the final acquisition price but doesn’t address the flaws inherent to the circle rates. 

In a recent study, Delhi-based think tank Thought Arbitrage Research Institute (TARI), in collaboration with the rural development ministry and German development agency GIZ, demonstrated what these flaws are. The study showed that the circle rates don’t reflect the true economic value of land. In fact, they grossly undervalue the land. The rates are revised from time to time and yet haven’t kept pace with inflation. Revisions do not follow any clear rationale nor are uniform across the states. Worse, the rates don’t take into account several economic and locational factors, such as size and productivity of land, level of industrialisation and connectivity of the area, and also the post-acquisition change in land use, which influence the value of land. 

Many developed countries have designed their pricing mechanism taking such factors into account. That we don’t hear about social conflicts there is a testimony to their success. Urban land has some unique characteristics. Several additional factors come into play, like land regulations—urban ceiling, rent control, land conversion and recycling, floor space area etc.—taxation & infrastructure investment, and impact the supply of and demand for land. When designed well and tuned in to the market, these factors make more space available and vice versa, thus, influencing the price of land. 

What is, therefore, needed is a complete rethink on the valuation of land in urban areas. Its unique characteristics, multiplicity of land use and an opportunity to generate far better returns on investments make urban land or land meant for urbanisation very distinct. Not only do we need a scientific and data-driven methodology, we need to factor in all these aspects in the valuation so that the fair price of the land to be acquired is discovered and the expectations of the land owners are met. 

Once that happens, social conflicts will end and there will be little to stop India’s march towards urbanisation. Prasanna Mohanty and Kaushik Dutta work for Thought Arbitrage Research Institute, a not for profit research think tank in areas of governance, sustainability and public policy.

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