Thursday, March 5, 2009


The word tantra, which is generally derived from the root “tan”—to spread, is difficult to define as it loosely admits of very wide latitude of meaning. The scriptures declare that “Hum” the formula perexcellence of the great void known as the thunderbolt because of its adaptablity and hence adamantine nature is the vital word of divine emancipation revealed in the vajrayana school of Buddhist thought & assimilated into Hinduism through the tantras. It is the key word designating the meditating Buddha “Aksobhya” because of his imperturbable nature. Quite early in the history of the great vehicle (Mahayana) feminine divinities found their ways in the pantheon. One such was prajnaparmita, the perfection of insight, the personification of the qualities of the Bodhisattva. Later the Buddhists and Bodhisattvas, who were thought of as males, were like the gods of Hinduism, endowed with wives who were the active aspect, the “force” or “potent” (sakti) of their husbands. The God was believed to be transcendent and aloof, while the Goddess was active in the world; thus the God might be best approached through the Goddess. The productive activity of the divine was thought of in terms of sexual union an idea as old as the Rig Veda with the spread of these ideas sexual symbolism and even sexual intercourse as a religions rite were incorporated into the schools of both Hinduism and Buddhism. With these ideas was combined a new magical mysticism. The lesser vehicle (Hinayana) taught that release was obtained by the gradual loss of individuality through self-discipline and meditation; the Great vehicle (mahayana) added that the grace and help of the heavenly Buddha’s and Bodhisattvas assisted the process.
The followers of the new teachings taught that it could be best attained by acquiring magical power, which they called vajra (“Thunderbolt” or “diamond”). Hence the new school of Buddhism was called Vajrayana the vehicle of the Thunderbolt. In the 7th century Hiuen sang found certain monasteries permeated with magical practices. The chief divinities of the new sects were the “Saviouresses” (Taras), the spouses of the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. There were also a host of Lesser divinities, many called by the names of demons, such as “out caste women” (matangis) “demonesses” (pisacis) “Sorceresses” yoginis and “she-ghouls” (dakinis). The Buddhas and Bodhisattvas with their Taras were approximated to the less amiable members of the Hindu pantheon, and were often depicted with many arms in ferocious poses.
As in the days of Brahmanas, it was though that these deities should be compelled rather than persuaded. The text books outlining the means (Sadhana) of doing this were called Tantras and hence the new cult is often referred to as tantric. By pronouncing the right formula (mantra) in the correct manner, or by drawing the correct magical symbol (Yantra), one might force the gods to bestow magical power on the worshipper and lead him to the highest bliss. Among the many formula of tantric Buddhism, one is specially famous- the “six syllable” (sadaksara) OM MANI PADME HUM- “Ah ! the jewel is indeed in the Lotus !” may be sexual in its original significance, mystically repeating the divine coitus of the heavenly Buddha and prajnaparamita and of Avalokitesvara and his Tara. Tantric Buddhism did not neglect the techniques of mental training which were part of all chief religions of India, but their direction was altered. Their primary purpose now was to obtain super normal power. The meditations of the Vajrayana were often positively psychopathic. The practitioner of the system might so hypnotize himself as to imagine that he was reborn from the womb of a Tara, or he himself might become Tara, to kill his father the Buddha and take his place. In sexual union with a female devotee he and his partner would become Buddha and Tara or he himself might become Tara. In the sexual rites of tantric Buddhism all taboos were lifted. Even incest was permitted; for what was sin to the ignorant was virtue to the initiate and so as well as ritual copulation meat and alcohol were indulged in at the tantric covens. These things were however done under strict control and only by initiates at sacred ceremonies. The tantric Buddhism (Vajrayana) flourished in the time of Bhauma-karas. The Bhanjas of Baud (Khinjali mandala) were their feudatories who showed their loyalty to Bhauma rule. Therefore this cult was extended to Khinjali mandala with Baud as its chief center. The findings of Buddhist antiquities and monuments in Baud region clearly indicate the existence of tantric cult.
Courtesy Orissa govt site...on Tantric Buddhism in Bauda

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